843 355-6262


Our condolences to the families

To view the full obituary, click on the name.

Runette M. McCutchen

01/16/1941 - 12/08/2017 Kingstree      Funeral services will be 2 PM Monday, December 11, 2017, in the chapel at Williamsburg Funeral Home, with burial in McClary Cemetery. Mrs. McCutchen’s family will receive friends Sunday evening from 6 to 8 PM at the funeral home....

Sara Beth T. O’Quinn

06/04/1937 - 12/06/2017 Kingstree Funeral services will be held 11 AM Friday, December 8, 2017, at Union Presbyterian Church with burial in the church cemetery.  In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Union Presbyterian Church, c/o Diane Boyd, 114 E. Brooks...

Henry Edward Burrows

06/20/1930 - 11/12/2017 Kingstree Funeral services will be 11 AM, Wednesday, November 15, 2017, in the chapel of Williamsburg Funeral Home, with burial in Kingstree Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends 6 to 8 PM Tuesday at the funeral home. . Memorials...

Jean Woodham McCabe

03/14/1931 - 10/30/2017 Kingstree A graveside memorial service will be held at 11 AM, November 17, 2017 in Williamsburg Cemetery.. Memorials may be made to Williamsburg County Council on Aging, PO Box 450, Kingstree, SC 29556. Mrs. Jean Woodham McCabe, 86, widow of...

Frances Epps Hart

12/06/1955 - 10/27/2017 Kingstree Funeral services will be 2:00PM Thursday, November 2, 2017, in Kingstree United Methodist Church, with burial in Midway Presbyterian Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends in the Ladies Parlor at Kingstree United Methodist...

Donna Wilkes Matthews

02/06/1984 - 10/28/2017 Kingstree    Funeral services will be 2:00PM Tuesday, October 31, 2017, in Williamsburg Funeral Home Chapel, with burial in Kingstree Second Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 Monday, October 30, 2017, at...

Charles “Fred” Belue

05/02/1959 - 10/27/2017 Kingstree      Graveside services will be 2:00 PM, Monday, October 30, 2017, in Broad Swamp Pentecostal Holiness Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends 6 to 8 PM Sunday, October 29, 2017 at Williamsburg Funeral Home. Memorials may be...

Charles E. “Pete” McCutchen

03/31/1941  -  10/21/2017 Greeleyville      Funeral services will be 4 PM, Wednesday, October 25, 2017, in the chapel of Williamsburg Funeral Home, with burial in Kingstree Memorial Gardens.  The family will receive friends from 3 PM until service time. Mr. Charles...

Susan Castles Kennedy

05/15/1944 - 10/18/2017 Kingstree      Funeral services will be held at 3:00 p.m., Sunday, October 22, 2017, in Kingstree United Methodist Church, with burial in Kingstree Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m., before the...

Henry Curtis Haddock

10/25/1950 - 10/04/2017 Salters A celebration of Mr. Haddock’s life will be held at the Haddocks’ hangar located at 1111 Gourdin Rd, Salters, SC on Saturday, October, 21, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. Memorial gifts may be made to Angel Flight Inc., 12345 East Skelly Drive Tulsa,...

Previous obituaries are still available here

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