843 355-6262


Our condolences to the families

To view the full obituary, click on the name.

Dorothy T. Gause

11/13/1953 -05/18/2024 Kingstree  A celebration of Dottie’s life will be held at 5 PM Monday, May 20, 2024, at Sandy Bay Pentecostal Holiness Church.Her family will greet friends at the church beginning one hour before the service and again following the...

Carl LeRoy Cantey, Jr.

11/09/1946 - 05/17/2024 Salters  The celebration of LeRoy’s life will be held at 2:00 PM Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at Williamsburg Funeral Home in Kingstree, SC.Visitation will be from 5:30 to 7:30pm on Tuesday, May 21 at the funeral home.  Memorials may be made...

Julie M. Brown

02/22/1940 - 05/02/2024 Kingstree  Funeral services will be held at 11:30 AM, Friday, May 10, 2024, at Williamsburg Presbyterian Church with burial at Kingstree Memorial Gardens.Mrs. Brown’s family will greet family and friends in Grace Hall at the church from 10...

Nell Elliott Mims

06/25/1935 - 04/14/2024 Kingstree  Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Walt Proctor and Rev. Donnie Witherspoon, will be held at 11:00 AM, Thursday, April 18, 2024, at Williamsburg Funeral Home with burial in Piney Forest Cemetery, Andrews, SC.Mrs. Mims’ family...

E. Heyward Baker

08/13/1956 - 04/11/2024 Kingstree  A memorial service will be held at 11 AM, May 11, 2024, at Mount Vernon Methodist Church, 84 Mount Vernon Road, Greeleyville, SC 29056.   Heyward’s family will greet friends beginning at 10 AM in the fellowship hall at the...

Lucy David Ward

05/21/1945 - 03/31/2024 Greenville  A Memorial Service will be April 20th at 2:00 PM at Union Presbyterian Church in Salters, SC, 29590.In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations in her memory to either (1) Epworth Children's Home (PO Box 50466, Columbia,...

Robert F. Small, Jr.

08/29/1963-03/23/2024 Greeleyville  A visitation will be held on Friday, April 12th, 2024 at 1:00 PM at Greeleyville Baptist Church with a memorial service following at 2:00 PM.  A visitation will be held on Friday, April 12th, 2024 at 1:00 PM at Greeleyville...

Edna Earle S. Brown

12/04/1935 - 03/14/2024 Kingstree  Funeral services will be held at 2 PM Sunday, March 17, 2024, at Cedar Swamp Methodist Church with burial in Cedar Swamp Methodist Cemetery.Mrs. Brown’s family will greet friends just prior to the service from 12 to 1:30 PM at...

Arnold L. “Bobo” Hanniford, Jr.

12/06/1955 - 03/01/2024 Kingstree  Graveside funeral services will be held at 4 PM Saturday, March 9, 2024, at Tisdale Cemetery.Memorials may be made to Tisdale Cemetery, c/o Mike Tisdale, 1149 Doc Kellahan Road, Kingstree, SC 29556, or The Shepherd Center, SCI,...

Dr. Edward Cecil Johnson

05/15/1944 - 02/20/2024 Kingstree       A service of worship and thanksgiving will be held at 11 AM, Saturday, February 24, 2024, at Williamsburg Presbyterian Church.Dr. Johnson’s family will greet friends in Grace Hall at the church from 9:30 to 10:30 just prior...

Previous obituaries are still available here

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