Our condolences to the familiesTo view the full obituary, click on the name.
Donna T. Sherman
03/30/1965 - 11/30/2015 Kingstree Graveside funeral services for Mr. and Mrs. Sherman will be 2 P.M. Friday in Cedar Grove Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Cedar Grove Baptist Church Donna Renee Tisdale...
Addie Dennis Thigpen
01/14/1941 - 11/26/2015 Lane Funeral services will be 6 PM Saturday, November 28, 2015, in the Williamsburg Funeral Home Chapel. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service at the funeral home. ...
Wanda Ward Powell
06/26/1953 - 11/21/2015 Andrews Funeral services will be 2 PM Monday, November 23, 2015, in Gourdines Chapel Church, with burial in the church cemetery. . The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 PM Sunday at Gourdines Chapel....
Julius Pendergrass “J.P.” Gamble
04/11/1928 - 11/19/2015 Lane A Memorial Service will be held at the Greeleyville United Methodist Church on Sunday, November 22 at 2pm followed by burial in the New Market Cemetery. Visiting hours will be at the Williamsburg...
S. Kelly Williamson
11/20/1990 - 11/17/2015 Kingstree Funeral services will be 2 P.M. Saturday, November 21, in the Kingstree United Methodist Church with burial in Williamson Cemetery. Kelly’s family will receive friends from 5 to 7 P.M. Friday...
Elizabeth “Libby” M. Tarte
10/13/1932 - 11/16/2015 Kingstree Graveside funeral services will be 3:00 PM Wednesday, November 18, 2015, in McClary Cemetery. No Visitation Memorials may be made to Millwood United Methodist...
Susan T. Mitchum
02/29/1956 - 11/06/2015 Kingstree Graveside funeral services will be 11:00 AM Tuesday, November 10, 2015, at McClary Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 PM Monday at Williamsburg Funeral Home. ...
Myrtis E. Hanna
07/26/1924 - 11/06/2015 Andrews Funeral services will be 3:00 PM Sunday, November 8, 2015, in Spring Gulley Baptist Church with burial in the church cemetery. Mrs. Hanna’s family will receive friends 1 hour prior to the...
Rhonda McCants Ward
12/22/1975 - 10/28/2015 Kingstree Funeral services will be 2:00 PM Saturday, October 31, 2015, in Kingstree First Baptist Church, 400 N. Academy Street, Kingstree, SC, with burial in Kingstree Memorial Gardens. The...
Zelene E. Robinson
03/30/1932 - 10/21/2015 New Zion Funeral services will be 11:00 AM Saturday, October 24, 2015, in Midway Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Robinson’s family will receive friends from 6 to 8 PM Friday at Williamsburg...
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