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Betty Lou M. Wiggs
11/13/1931 - 07/21/2015 N. Charleston Funeral services will be 2 PM Friday July 24, 2015, in the chapel at Williamsburg Funeral Home, with burial in Tisdale Cemetery. The family will receive friends 11:30 to 1:30 PM...
Troy M. McKenzie
08/21/1938 - 07/21/2015 Kingstree Funeral services will be 11AM Friday July 24, 2015, in Sandy Bay Pentecostal Holiness Church, with burial in Smith Cemetery. The family will greet friends from 6 to 8 PM Thursday at...
Stoney Morris
09/20/1947 - 07/13/2015 Kingstree Funeral services will be 2 P.M. Sunday, July 19, 2015 in the Williamsburg Funeral Home Chapel, with burial will be in Kingstree Memorial Gardens. The family will greet friends...
Jack “Cuz” Strong, Sr.
06/09/1935 - 07/10/2015 Andrews Funeral services will be 3 P.M. Sunday in the Suttons United Methodist Church, with burial in the church cemetery. The family will greet friends from 6 to 8 PM Saturday at...
E. Gordon McCollough
09/04/1929 - 06/13/2015 Kingstree Funeral services will be 3 PM Tuesday June 16, 2015, in Union Presbyterian Church in Salters with burial in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends 6 to 8 PM Monday at...
Bernice M. Williamson
12/28/1923 - 06/06/2015 Kingstree Graveside funeral services will be 2 PM Monday June 8,2015 in Williamson Cemetery. The family will receive friends before the service from 12 to 1:30 PM Monday at Williamsburg...
Charles Brent Brown
06/05/1932 - 05/26/2015 Kingstree Funeral services will be 11 AM Friday May 29, 2015, in Cedar Swamp Methodist Church, with burial in the church Cemetery. The family will receive friends 6 to 8 PM Thursday at...
Edmund W. “Eddie” Parker, Jr.
06/27/1954 - 05/25/2015 Columbia Funeral services will be 3 PM Thursday, May 28, 2015, at Lane United Methodist Church, with a burial in Union Presbyterian Church Cemetery. The family will greet friends from 1:30...
Sheila S. Forester
11/14/1963 - 05/19/2015 Kingstree Funeral services will be 3 PM Friday May 22, 2015, in Williamsburg Baptist Church, with burial in Williamsburg Cemetery. The family will receive friends 6 to 8 PM Thursday at...
Susie Tisdale Stevens
ANDREWS 08/24/1938 - 05/15/2015 Funeral services will be 3 PM Sunday May 17, 2015, in Bloomingvale Baptist Church, with burial in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends 6 to 8 PM Saturday at Bloomingvale...
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