Our condolences to the familiesTo view the full obituary, click on the name.
Barbara Phillips Chandler
07/01/1936 - 08/27/2022 Greeleyville Graveside funeral services for Mrs. Chandler will be conducted by the Rev. David H. Lauten of First Presbyterian Church of Columbia, and the Rev. J. Wilson Bradham, III, nephew of Mrs. Chandler’s, of Georgetown, SC, at 2:00...
W. Michael McKenzie
12/17/1959 - 08/26/2022 Kingstree Graveside funeral services will be 11 AM, Monday, August 29, 2022, at Smith Cemetery.Memorials may be made to Cades Baptist Church, PO Box 69, Cades, SC 29518 or Sandy Bay Pentecostal Holiness Church, 188 Delos Road, Kingstree,...
Chris J. Patterson
08/31/1963 - 08/17/2022 Kingstree A funeral service will be held Saturday August 27, 2022 at 1 PM in the Williamsburg Funeral Home Chapel with a burial to follow in Kingstree Memorial Gardens.Visitation will be held Friday August 26, 2022 at Williamsburg...
Jeanie Lynn Hiers
11/18/1989 - 08/08/2022 Summerville A memorial service, conducted by Rev. Katherine Crimm, will be 3 PM, Saturday, August 13, 2022, at Kingstree United Methodist Church.Memorials may be made to Williamsburg County Animal Care and Control, 200 County Camp Road,...
Grace L. Robinson
10/23/1927 - 07/31/2022 Kingstree Funeral services will be 11 AM Tuesday, August 2, 2022, at Williamsburg Funeral Home in Kingstree with burial at Midway Evangelical Presbyterian Church Cemetery in New Zion.Miss Grace’s family will receive friends 5 to 7 PM...
Nell Mouzon Ward
04/26/1952 - 07/29/2022 Kingstree Funeral services will be 1 PM, Wednesday, August 3, 2022, at Williamsburg Funeral Home with burial in Mouzon Family Cemetery.Nell’s family will receive friends from 6 to 8 PM Tuesday at Williamsburg Funeral Home.Nell...
Alvin Wilson Coker Jr. “Wil”
11/19/1983 - 07/26/2022 KingstreeFuneral services, conducted by Rev. Katherine Crimm, will be 11 AM, Saturday, July 30, 2022, at Kingstree United Methodist Church with burial in Kingstree Memorial Gardens. Wil’s family will receive friends from 6 to 8 PM Friday at...
Daphne S. Tisdale Canady
04/20/1952 - 07/18/2022 Kingstree Funeral services, conducted by Pastor Mike McKenzie, will be 11 AM Wednesday, July 20, 2022, at Sandy Bay Pentecostal Holiness Church, with burial to follow at Sandy Bay Cemetery.Mrs. Canady’s family will greet friends beginning...
Belle Avant Small
09/16/1927 - 07/17/2022 Andrews Graveside funeral services at Suttons United Methodist Church will be private Memorials may be made to Suttons United Methodist Church, c/o Mrs. Donna Piatt, 2449 Santee Road, Andrews, SC 29510.Mary Belle Avant Small, 94, of...
Jo Ann B. Harrington
02/09/1949 -07/15/2022 New Zion Funeral services will be 10 AM Tuesday, July 19, 2022, at Midway Evangelical Presbyterian Church with burial in the church cemetery. Mrs. Harrington’s family will receive friends 5 to 8 PM Monday at Williamsburg Funeral Home in...
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