843 355-6262


Our condolences to the families

To view the full obituary, click on the name.

Thomas M. Brown, Jr.

08/14/1953 - 01/11/2021 Kingstree   Graveside services will be held 1 PM Thursday, January 14, 2021, in Kingstree Memorial Gardens.       Memorials may be made to Kingstree First Baptist Church, 400 N. Academy Street, Kingstree, SC 29556 .Thomas Mauldin Brown,...

Lori Ann McCutcheon

01/22/1970 - 01/07/2021 Cades          Funeral services will be held at 1 PM on Monday, January 11, 2021, in Sandy Bay Pentecostal Holiness Church, with a burial in Sandy Bay Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 4 to 6 PM on Sunday at Williamsburg...

Dorothy M. Floyd

05/08/1940 - 01/04/2021 Kingstree    A private graveside service will be held. Due to Covid precautions, there will be no visitation with the family at this time.Memorials may be made to Mt Vernon Methodist Church at 3508 Sandy Bay Road, Kingstree, SC 29556...

Ruby Thomas Wall

12/16/1934 - 01/04/2021 Kingstree  Funeral services will be 1 PM Thursday, January 7, 2021, in First Baptist Church of Kingstree, with burial in Kingstree Memorial Gardens.  Mrs. Wall’s family will receive friends 5 to 7 PM Wednesday the Funeral Home. Memorials...

Shirley H. Wilder

08/14/1940 - 01/02/2021 Kingstree         Graveside services will be held at 2PM on Tuesday, January 5, 2020, in New Market Cemetery. Memorials may be sent to St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude PL, Memphis, TN 38105-9959.Shirley Louise Harris...

Beverly K. Langmo

05/29/1937 - 12/22/2020 Kingstree   Funeral services will be private. Memorials may be made to Kingstree United Methodist Church, 510 North Longstreet Street, Kingstree, SC 29556. Beverly Kennedy Langmo, 83, widow of Bernard Donald Langmo, died Tuesday, December...

Lena C. Benton

09/04/1922 - 12/22/2020 Kingstree   Graveside services will be held at 1:00PM on Thursday, December 24, 2020, in Beulah Free Will Baptist Church Cemetery in Pamplico. Memorials may be made to Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, 411 North Academy Street, Kingstree,...

Sylvia D. Nexsen

11/05/1937 - 12/20/2020 Kingstree     Private graveside funeral services will be held in Williamsburg Cemetery. Sylvia Dean Nexsen, 83, died Sunday, December 20, 2020, at Carlyle Senior Care of Kingstree.   Miss Nexsen was born November 5, 1937 in Williamsburg...

Rhodas R. McCutchen

08/16/1933 - 12/16/2020 Kingstree    Graveside funeral services will be 2 PM Saturday, December 19, 2020, in Kingstree Memorial Gardens. Memorials may be made to American Cancer Society, PO Box 22718, Oklahoma City, OK 73123-1718. Rhodas Rutledge McCutchen, 87,...

William Francis Godwin, Jr.

10/18/1954 - 12/14/2020 Kingstree   Funeral services will be 11 AM Saturday, December 19, 2020, in Williamsburg Funeral Home Chapel with a burial in Kingstree Memorial Gardens. The family will greet friends from 5:00 to 7:00 PM Friday at Williamsburg Funeral...

Previous obituaries are still available here

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