Our condolences to the familiesTo view the full obituary, click on the name.
James Richard Abrams
02/09/1947 - 05/04/2022 Andrews Funeral services will be 11AM Saturday, May 7, 2022, at Spring Gulley Baptist Church with a burial in the church cemeteryVisitation will be held 6-8 PM, Friday May 6, 2022, at Williamsburg Funeral Home.Memorials may be made to...
Ret. MSGT Charlie E. Campbell, USAF
06/7/1931 - 05/1/2022 Sumter Funeral services will be 3 PM Wednesday, May 4, 2022, at Williamsburg Funeral Home, burial with full military honors will be in Midway Evangelical Presbyterian ChurchCharlie’s family will greet friends 6 to 8 PM Tuesday at the...
Libby C. Mitchum
02/27/1932 - 04/28/2022 Kingstree A graveside funeral service will be held 3:30 PM, Saturday, April 30, 2022, in Kingstree Memorial Gardens.The family will receive friends after the service at the cemetery.Memorials may be made to First Baptist Church,...
Terri Dorrell Bowen
10/03/1958 - 04/28/2022 Landrum Funeral services will be 2 PM, Sunday, May 1, 2022, in Second Baptist Church, with burial in the church cemetery.Mrs. Bowen’s family will greet friends at the church one hour before the service at 1 PM.Memorials may be made to St....
Daniel M. McKenzie
10/27/1960 - 04/19/2022 Kingstree Funeral services will be 11 AM Sunday, April 24, 2022, at Sandy Bay Pentecostal Holiness Church.Danny’s family will greet friends at the church one hour before the service at 10:00 AM..Daniel Madison “Danny” McKenzie, 61,...
Margie E. Steele
12/02/1929 - 04/16/2022 Kingstree Graveside funeral services will be 11 AM Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at Bethesda Cemetery, Inc., 2927 Cade Road, Lake City, SC 29560.Mrs. Steele’s family will receive friends 6 to 8 PM Monday at Williamsburg Funeral Home in...
Glenn D. Lee
12/19/1971 - 04/07/2022 Lake City Funeral Services will be private. Glenn Derrick Lee, 50, husband of Billie Jo Harrelson Brown, died Thursday, April 7, 2022, at his residence. Mr. Lee was born December 19, 1971, in Lake City, SC, a son of Shirley McAllister...
Edna B. David
09/22/1930 - 04/04/2022 Salters Funeral Services will be 3 PM, Wednesday, April 6, 2022, at Union Presbyterian Church, Salters, SC, with burial in the church cemetery.The family will greet friends from 6 to 8 PM Tuesday, April 5, 2022, at Williamsburg Funeral...
Jack L. McConnell
05/04/1935 - 03/26/2022 Kingstree The funeral service will be held at 1 PM, Tuesday, March 29, 2022, at the First Baptist Church in Kingstree, SC. The family will receive friends before the service in the church’s Family Life Center beginning at 12 Noon. ...
Christopher L. Ward
12/15/1992 - 03/13/2022 Kingstree A memorial service will be held in Sandy Bay Pentecostal Holiness Church on a date to be announced.Memorials may be made to Sandy Bay Pentecostal Holiness Church, Youth Group, 172 Delos Road, Kingstree, SC 29556. Christopher...
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