843 355-6262


Our condolences to the families

To view the full obituary, click on the name.

Connie Smith Benton

12/28/1931 - 02/25/2020 Kingstree            Funeral services will be held at 2PM Saturday, February 29, 2020, in the Williamsburg Funeral Home Chapel, with burial in Kingstree Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends an hour before the service at the...

Daniel Leroy Duke

03/12/1939 - 02/20/2020 Kingstree    Funeral services will be 4 PM Sunday, February 23, 2020, at Mouzon Presbyterian Church with burial in the church cemetery.Mr. Duke’s family will receive friends  beginning at 3 PM at the church.Memorials may be made to Mouzon...

Helen Lee McCollough

09/11/1930 - 02/19/2020 Salters     Funeral services will be 2 PM Sunday, February 23, 2020, at Union Presbyterian Church with burial in the church cemetery. Mrs. McCollough’s family will receive friends following the service in the Martin Building at the church....

M. Wayne Tisdale

12/26/1956 - 02/18/2020 Kingstree  Funeral services will be held at 11AM on Friday, February 21, 2020, in the chapel at Williamsburg Funeral Home, with a burial in Tisdale Cemetery. Monkey’s family will receive friends from 5 to 7 PM Thursday, February 20, 2020,...

James Edward Adams, Jr.

07/20/1964 - 01/30/2020 Kingstree     Funeral services will be held at 2PM Saturday, February 1, 2020, at Williamsburg Funeral Home Chapel, with a burial in Kingstree Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8PM Friday, January 31, 2020 at...

Charles LaVern Shaffer

04/05/1928 - 01/28/2020 Kingstree      Funeral services will be held 3:00PM, Wednesday, February 12, 2020, in Williamsburg Baptist Church, 8378 Hemingway Hwy, Kingstree, SC.  Visitation will be from 2:00 to 3:00PM in the church.     In lieu of flowers, memorials...

Gayle H. Strong

08/12/1951 - 01/22/2020 Kingstree      The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, January 25, 2020, at Williamsburg Funeral Home in Kingstree, SC. Interment at Kingstree Memorial Gardens following.Visitation with the family will also be at the funeral...

T. Mauldin Brown

02/27/1935 - 01/21/2020 Kingstree   Funeral services celebrating Mr. Mauldin’s life will be 2 PM Saturday, January 25, 2020, at Williamsburg Funeral Home, with burial in Kingstree Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 1 to 2...

Margaret T. Epps

05/17/1930 - 01/19/2020 Bonneau         A graveside service celebrating Margaret’s life will be held at 2PM on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 in Kingstree Memorial Gardens. The family will greet friends after the service and other times at the home of Donna Love....

Beth Epps Phillips

02/07/1948 - 01/18/2020 Kingstree  Graveside funeral services for Ms. Phillips will be 2 PM Tuesday, January 21, 2020, in Williamsburg Cemetery.Beth’s family will receive friends following the service in the cemetery, weather permitting or at Williamsburg Funeral...

Previous obituaries are still available here

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